Easy Localization Tool for UE4


I'd like to present my second published plugin for Unreal Engine 4!

What does it do?

It simply imports a CSV file with a multiple languages translations and embeds them into the UE4's localization system, so any FText can be localized this way. It also provides functionality of switching languages during gameplay.

Where can I get it?

You can grab it from my GitHub page: https://github.com/zompi2/UE4EasyLocalizationTool
It is free to use!

How to use it?

The GitHub page provides a simple tutorial, there is also a sample project. But in a nutshell, you prepare a special CVS file, open the tool's window and import!

Why did I write it?

Unreal Engine 4 has it's own localization tool, however I find it overcomplicated for the most of the projects I was working on. 
As long as there is no localization in assets or audio, but only in texts, the Easy Localization Tool should provide all functionalities needed to implement multiple languages into a project.
Even though, the workflow has been introduced by my colleague cziter15 I decided to put it into an easy to use plugin.

But... does it really work?

Yes! The whole workflow has already been used in multiple mobile and PC titles I've been working on.

Special thanks

As usual, I want to send special thanks to Monika, because she always supports me and believes in me, to Paweł, for allowing me to test this plugin on his project and for cziter15, because it was his workflow after all.

I hope someone will find this tool useful!