The Enhanced Code Flow plugin is doing surprisingly well! During last 2 years it has been improved in many ways. It received many new functionalities, it works with Unreal Engine 5 too, it is more stable than ever and it has been used in multiple projects. It's funny that everything have started because I wanted to have an equivalent of Delay Blueprint node in code. Now I can implement it in more elegant way than currently and all thanks to the fact, that Unreal Engine 5.3 fully supports C++20, which has coroutines ! What are coroutines? They are functions that can be suspended and resumed later. Sounds like a way to implement a Delay functionality? Oh yes! FECFCoroutine UMyClass::SuspendableFunction() { // Do something co_await FFlow::WaitSeconds(this, 2.f); // Do something after 2 seconds } Enhanced Code Flow received 3 new functions which utilize C++20 coroutines. They are experimental and probably not safe nor stable, but hey... this is just a first impleme...